Sunday, January 11, 2015

Walmart Haul using Coupons

$85.75 retail value for $24.69 with coupons

The toothpaste was .25 using the coupon for $2.25 off of 3 
Bounce was 3 for $1 using the coupon for  $5 off of 3
Pantene was  $1.49 

Kroger sale buy 5 save $5 
Using one coupon  for $5 off of 3
And one coupon for $2 off of 2 (yes you can use two coupons as long as they represent each item) 

with the Pantene you can see it was a total of 5 items and I had one coupon for 3 and one coupon for 2
so it will make a total of 5 Pantene products 
The Tide was $3.95 and I used a $2.00 off coupon for each one which = $1.95 each tide 40oz and Pods 14ct
The Wheaties Boxes were on Clearance at Walmart and I used 1 coupon for $1 off 3 and 1 coupon for $1 off of 2 so I bought 5 boxes for $3

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